Recently a friend of mine challenged me to join him in brainstorming 100 dreams for my life. I've found out that putting 100 dreams to page isn't as easy as it may seem, at least for me. I'm finding that in living my life day to day, I often forget the big picture. I live a short-cited life. And while in some ways living in the now is good, I feel like I'm trapped in living a small, me-centered life. I can handle living a small, quiet life. What I fear is realizing 5 years, 10 years, 15 years from now that I've wasted my life because I've not had vision to see beyond the day to day and week to week.
In all of this, I keep coming back to hope. hope. hope. "And these three remain, faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is love." Seems like I've spent a lot of time thinking about faith and love, leaving behind hope. And while living full of faith and love is important, what if hope shapes my love and faith? What if love affects faith and hope? What if faith affects love and hope? What if I've been relying on 2 legs of a 3-legged stool? Wouldn't that leave me on the floor? hope. hope. hope.
Hope-(verb)"To look forward with desire and reasonable confidence"
With this thought of hope, it seems that what I hope for shapes the way I live right now. If I hope to see a World Series game at some point in my life (which I do), it will affect the way I'm living now. There are choices I will make that will lead towards making this hope a reality. I will say yes to things with this hope in mind. I will say no to things with this hope in mind.
And if I don't acknowledge this hope, I will live only here and now. Here and now is good. Here and now is important. But what if here and now for me is because I'm too lazy and apathetic to discipline myself now for the sake of faith, for the sake of hope, and for the sake of hope.
SO-what are you hoping for? What are you dreams?
Dream on...
Reflections on WorshipGod24: One with Christ
6 months ago
1 comment:
Hey bud! I have a Lifetime To Do List with 101 things on it. It has been so much fun to "accomplish" things one at a time. I don't have my list published anywhere but I post as I do them. Actually right now I'm posting ones I've already done. I was looking for pics for some of them and came across pics from the Mexico trip. Remember the "Hey Lu!" pics you used to take? :)
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